
Yaranetpardaz Co.
Exclusive representative, distributor and after sale services

Tel: +9821-8869310
cell: +98-9121976422

1- Public parking lot:
Public parking system is suitable with parking gate for majority of urban parking (public, organizations’ parking). Generally public parking charges some fee for cars, while organizations’ parking lots mainly focuses on which car is permitted to use the parking an which is not.

2- Private and organizations’ parking:

1- Using standard ID Card
In this setting, entrance and exit gates are connected through RS232 cable in a LAN network with specialized software. In fact the software is charge of monitoring. Automatic gate, printer, public information board, security camera are among optional accessories

2- Standard card with wide range tag:

In this setting, card scanning system is combine with wide range card scanner working within a network. So that when a car comes to board reader range, a specific label attached to wind shield of the car is read by a reader, and communicate with central software to decide whether to let the car in or not.

3- Plate number reader system:
The system works only based on its specific software designed for reading plate number and does not need ID card system. Entrance and exit gates are equipped with special cameral that record plate number of each car and only plate number defined in the software are allowed to pass the gate.

4- Ticket system (leisure services):
Suitable for charge parking lot, zoos, car wash, and choosing different services without requiring computer and complicated software.

5- Client management system:
Client management system replaces old fashion appointment slip system in institutes and organizations. One of slip system disadvantage is no record of referrals to organization. This issue is covered in client management system and security people may check referrals records in their system (if any) at entrance. Referral will receive an ID affixed with photo of the holder and at exit gate new record will be saved for the client for future refers. Data is recorded and accessible online for manager.