AVL software features and options

Map position and service status software AVLS (monitoring) is designed to work with all systems:

AVLS display real time position of vehicles on map with addition details such as speed and direction. The software is centerpiece of the system. AVLS is compatible with Google Map, which interesting design. The software monitors all vehicles in the system. Any unscheduled movement is easily spotted, recorded and reported (high speed, deriving out of lane, more than usual stop etc.). The software also sends alarm and notification automatically to the derivers interface.

view vehicle location via the Internet mobile
With this possibility you can view. position of your vehicle anywhere in Iran by the mobile phone.

نرم افزار نمايش وضعيت ناوگان

Auto-ticket, money card management and financial reports software (AFCS)

AFCS is centerpiece of all public transportation system and sub-system

نرم افزار اتوبليط

Some features:


Key words: GPS, GPRS, positioning, tracking, map tracker, ITS, motion marker, intelligent traffic controller, satellite controller, taximeter, taxi, transportation system control, transportation system, edge touching, transportation, Offline GPS, Online GPS, satellite communication, control center, positioned, hidden PGS, car GPS, automobile GPS, online communication, tracker, GSM, vehicle locater