نرمافزار اتوماسیون کتابخانه
software features:
- Recording, retrieving and listing materials such as books, newspapers, magazine,
thesis, hand writings and etc.
- Defining different editable groups of members
- Standard and advanced searching engine (subject, title, author based) through
the Internet and with quotations
- Different access level for users
- Reservation by members and officials
- Users alarming system in case of termination of membership and any delay in
returning taken out materials
- Defining membership groups and assigning membership fee and members account
- Automatic calculation of delay, lost material fairs
- Causing access limitation for operating the software
- Defining authors (authors, translators, and etc.)
- Defining more than one library with specifics resources
- Different types of paper reports
- List of taken out books, articles, newspaper and etc
- List of books taken out by each members
- List of each member fairs
- List of members with problems in their documentation
- List of members with terminated membership term and membership applicants
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Email: web@jahangostar.com
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