Club automation systems
Club automation equipment

Jahan Gostar Sport club automation system is comprehensive kit of managerial software and club automation services. Among hardware facilities is Sport Service System. .

Sport Services System - KH80
The system need to be installed at entrance gate as standalone system or integral part of controlling gate and also as ticket printer. Keypad designed on the system enables operator to choose specific section of club (pool, bodybuilding, fighting sports and etc.), and receive ticket for chosen section. The system checks time frame assigned for members and charges fees from credit account of members. When ticket is issued, the member can pass through entrance gate.

System can works in four different moods:
  • Optional section: referral first choose department they interested to go, then hold their card before card reader. In case, the member is authorized to use the facilities at the time and have enough credit in his/her account, a ticket will be issued which shows he/she is permitted to use facilities in the chosen section.
  • Default section: software is programmed to only issue ticket for specific department. In case, the member is authorized to use the facilities at the time and have enough credit in his/her account, a ticket will be issued which shows he/she is permitted to use facilities in the chosen section.
  • Charging credit card: the system determine charging amount, and by holding card before card reader, charged amount transferred to credit card account.
  • Coffee bar system: the system can be used in coffee bar, and clients can make their purchase by their membership card and choose from list of staff ready to serve.

Smart credit card services system KHE80

Display screen
Ticket printer
Locker controller system C18
Locker card reader system RC18
Offline charged services system
Options keypad KP
Type of locker lock
Bracelet and key holder
Smart contactless car